Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bake Those Suckers

What to do when all your veg is coming in at once?  Roast 'em and bake 'em and throw some Panko and Parmesan on the top mixed with a little olive oil.

I used 4 zucchini, 4 japanese eggplant, 4 large heirloom tomatoes, a red pepper that was on its last legs.  You could throw in some basil or other herbs.  I thin sliced the zucs, eggplant and red pepper and brushed with olive oil.  425 degrees for about 20 minutes.  Then I layered, put a smidge of fontina cheese between one layer, and topped with tomatoes and Panko bread crumbs that I mixed with grated Parmesan and a little bit of olive oil for the browning.  Baked about 25 minutes on 350.

I would image you could do this with a wide variety of veg:  cauliflower would have gone nicely in here, too.  And I wish I had pine nuts, I would have roasted them in a dry pan and thrown them on top as well.  Yum.


  1. I LOVE pine nuts,but my god you have to mortgage the house to afford them these days! I'm going to do that recipe and par down this mountain of vegies on the counter. :-)

    1. I get the nuts raw from Trader Joes and roast them up when I need them. Let me know how yours comes out! Photos, please!

    2. It turned out---mostly baby Bells in a variety of colors, onions, baby carrots, celery, cheddar, Parm, and green olives----plus, two TBS of homemade teriyaki sauce. What a rich and delicious dish---the vegi broth was superb. Great recipi....thanks.

  2. That looks very yummy, Tara.

  3. Must be good with all those delicious vegs; all of which we have by the barrow load at the moment.

  4. Hey - I fried an egg and put on top of individual portions -- it was just the thing!

  5. Mmmmm... the kind of thing I love. I have a ginormous zucchini here (from the garden), I'll do exactly that!

  6. The egg on top...yes! Looks good T!


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...