Friday, July 4, 2014

TGIF Independence Day

No photos because I was too busy cooking and then eating, but I made a feast worthy of our nation's 238th birthday: BBQ pork sliders on homemade mini buns, with blue cheese and coleslaw on top, corn on the cob , and for dessert, peach pie with vanilla ice cream. Must confess, I didn't make the ice cream.  Next year.

We spent a quiet day, S sorting out the garage and me running over to my place to take care of plant watering and picking up the kitchen aid mixer to make the slider buns. Some time at the park letting the beasts run around in 93 degree weather. I felt like I was gonna wilt -- simply fade away.

What with all our house activity of buying and selling, I must admit I'm pooped. I turned down a perfectly lovely invite to a pool party because I am simply bushed. I look forward to the aftermath of all our efforts so I may settle into the regular rhythm of life. Not complaining, mind you. Everyone should have such travails: finding a great house to move to with my soon to be husband.  Who is a doll. Whom I love cooking for. I am a thoroughly modern queer feminist and, so, while typing the previous sentence I did a double take. And then said, "Hell yeah."

Little Stars and Stripes line the suburban lawns of this neighborhood. Bank tellers and store clerks have been cheerfully inquiring as to our 'holiday' plans and we pretty much stared blankly at them. What holiday? Oh. Yeah.

My take-away from this day is: Independence and Freedom. To live the life I see fit. To watch the World Cup and feast on sliders. Life is good.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...