Friday, August 8, 2014


Bank of America tentatively agrees to pay up between $16 billion and $17 billion — by far the largest Justice Department settlement arising from the economic meltdown.  Gee, no prison time.  Too bad.  

Meanwhile, in Cambodia, Khmer Rouge leaders Khieu Samphan, the regime's 83-year-old former head of state, and Nuon Chea, its 88-year-old chief ideologue, are sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity.  35 years too late but oh well.  

Hamas still threatening Israel.  What a bloody mess.

Here at home, we are getting to know the hardware store, where they sent us to three different locations to get a closet dowel cut to size. guessed it, we measured wrong.

We were in urgent need of caffeine and went to Pachamama for a machiato that was bitter and strong.  We signed up for their tin can program, which gets us an airtight coffee can and discounted beans to fill it up as we wish.  This deal is for locals only, mind you.  Of course, they didn't ask for ID....

Fortified, we wandered across the street to eat a burger before returning home for a much needed nap.  The mister carried on while I slept.  And I slept hard.  There has only been one day since our move a week ago that I haven't been flat-out wiped.  Extreme heat and relentless unpacking and searching through boxes has taken its toll on this woman.  The mister performed some major magic yesterday and I arrived home after errands to see a transformed interior landscape.

So, life goes on.  In all of its crazy manifestations.  Hope yours is tripping gaily along.  Have a lovely weekend.


  1. lovely post and by that I mean the kind that I start smiling part way through it :)

  2. Yes, burger for lunch always necessitates a nap after, even following the caffeine buzz.

  3. Hope your weekend is cooler and less frantic. Things really do slow down after a move.

    1. feels like 'real life' is on hold while we dig through endless boxes. treated ourselves to a movie this afternoon just to get out and do something different. woot!


Oh What a Night

No, not like that Night by the Dells.  I only wish. No, my night was full of tossing and turning, fitful non-sleep interrupted by one of my...