Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday Musings

Tara Crowley. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Friends from Oakland.  Fun dinner Saturday night.  A drive down the delta on Sunday to the tiny town of Locke.  It's always fun to go there, especially with folks who've never been.  We always meet new and colorful people there. Sunday we met up with a friend, J. who lives there, and he introduced us to R., who has lived there for 30 years.  R. took us into his wood shop and showed us his latest projects which were exquisite.  I asked him if he had a web site of his work.  "No. I kinda like to stay below the radar."  But he did give me a business card.

A lot of people in this town like to stay under the radar, I'll bet.  That's the way they like it.  Most times, I come away thinking I'd like to live there.  It's really only 45 minutes from us, but if feels like a world away.  The town's people really do run the place.  It's all hands on deck when projects need doing.  Today, J. and R. were out mowing and weed whacking.  We all walked out into a meadow, and smack dab in the middle was the most monster sized artichoke plant I have ever seen.  Chokes on steroids.  I wish I had a photo.  It was the Holy Grail of thistles.  I heard the Angels sing.

Then we walked up to the slough.  Snodgrass slough.  There were guys out there in their flatbottom fishing boat.  The water was absolutely still.  Looked brackish.  A tad eerie.  I took a picture (above).

Gothic, right?

And now, the last of February fades away.


  1. That wonderful tree in your photo makes me think of the Ents, slowly walking across Mordor to save Middle-earth just when everything seemed hopeless.

    My middle sister took me out to Locke and Walnut Grove many years ago when she was living in East Bay. There was a good feeling in the clear country air of the San Joaquin River Delta that I didn't have a word for back then. Community. Yep, that's what it was and is. Thank you for brightening my day, Tara!

    1. I am so delighted that you have been there . If you're ever down this way you and I should go.

  2. Love the curvy branches on that tree. I've never heard of Locke. Trying to place where it is and can't even find it on the map. Sounds like an interesting little town.

    1. Try Walnut Grove. Just off hwy 5 south of Sacramento. Very interesting town with a wild history.

  3. gothic snodgrass, a lovely photo, btw I have a photo of the artichoke.


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