Saturday, June 18, 2016


What a stinkin' week.

This photo was taken by my husband when we were in Barcelona in May.  Happy times, for sure.

I think I may be experiencing a let down after such a marvelous 3 weeks in Europe.  Back to the same ol' same ol'.  Granted, my 'same ol' is pretty damn good, and I know that.  Honestly.

I can list a number of things that have got me feeling down and defeated.  But the particulars are not of any importance.  Something, clearly, broke the camel's back yesterday and I experienced the dreaded explosion. 

But Saturday night we will celebrate under the full moon, and Sunday we have a birthday lunch with the family.  Order will be restored.  Flexibility and durability are just around the corner.  I can feel it. 

I do, of course, recognize that I have much to be glad about, grateful for, and content with.  The Dharma says there is the duality of the eight worldly conditions: Profit and Loss, Success and Failure, Praise and Blame, Pleasure and Pain.  This week I fell off the Middle Way path.  Sometimes it is difficult to walk it, but who said it was easy?

Here's hoping you have a good weekend, with plenty of ease.


  1. So sorry to read that you have been feeling low. I've been feeling down too. It was a brutal week in so many ways. I was going to write a post about how Wendell Berry's poem "The Peace of Wild Things" can't even pull me out of despair. But I was too defeated by the ravages of every headline to muster the strength to cry.

  2. I do understand how you are feeling. There seems to be an air of discomfort and lethargy among us. Here's hoping we all rally soon.


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