Friday, July 29, 2016

 What a week it has been.  Am I right?  Can I get an amen?
  •  California is burning once again.
  •  The Democrats delivered a great convention.
  •  Lucy got her stitches out.
  •  We've had triple digit temperatures all week long.
  •  My insane father is going to vote for the party instead of for the country.  How angry I am I ?
 I'm scrolling past all the political posts on Facebook because I just cannot bear it.  We're all going to talk until we're blue in the face and we're going to get the government that we deserve.  You know me, I was an ardent Sanders supporter, but now, c'mon, HRC has got to win.  If not, our country will be in deep, deep doo-doo.

On a positive note, we're going to our grandson's 5th birthday party tomorrow.  My parents started a college fund for him, and my husband made a generous donation to the college fund I have set up for him.  That. Kid. Is. Going. To. College.

Five years have gone by so quickly.  Maybe not for his parents, who have triumphed in the toughest job in the world.  They are so steady.  They are so loving.  They have fun with their boy.  They are teaching him well.  They know how to deliver the "time out." 

I had fun buying him presents today -- a Playdough set that he can stuff and extrude gooey stuff, a set of magnets with cars, trains and planes, a book about Penguins (which he loves).

I remember well my 5th birthday party at the San Diego Zoo.  I had a hissy fit and had to go sit in the car for my time out.  My dad drew all the invitations, with zoo animals on them.  I thought then, and now, that was the coolest thing.  Wasn't my dad a man of great talent? It was a big deal, quite an event, which was unusual in my family.  Friends and family gathered under the picnic tent. A giant cake.  1962.  Holy Cow.

I have to leave you with a great quote from HRC's acceptance speech: "A man you can bait with a Tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."

Word.  Have a great weekend.


  1. Lovely photograph of your sweet grandson and you. Yes, the convention was so inspiring. Plenty of great quotes. And plenty of snarky tweets from DJT who wants to "punch them out" for talking about him. Seriously? After the week when the only issue the GOP seemed to have was to smear Hillary?

    1. Yes, I read that he wanted to "punch them out" and thought, well, that's the Donald. What a child.

  2. Some of the vitriol on Facebook about HRC has really made me feel sad. I was going to write a post that said, "you know there's a reason that the voting booth has a curtain." We're not going to change each other's minds so I just want everyone to take a step back and STFU.

    Nice to know your grandson is going to be 5. I remember that age so well because of kindergarten. What a time, it was the first time I was separated from my twin brother. My parents wanted us in different classrooms so we wouldn't feel compelled to compete with each other. It made me so anxious to not see him, the teachers opened the door between our classrooms so we could see each other. I wish you still had one of your dad's invitations.

    1. yes, I do, too. They were great. Never even thought to save them, of course.

      I feel the same way regarding arguments about this race. It's like trying to change someone's mind on the issue of Roe v. Wade. Aint. Gonna. Happen.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...