Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday Musings (Our House)

Two years ago today we moved into our Home. La Maison du bonhuer, as I like to call it.

I have led somewhat of a nomadic life, some might even assume I was an Army brat.  But no, I was the child of a father who, himself, had a very nomadic life as a child, and that continued on through his early adult hood.  New firms to join, new jobs to do, graduate school, or just plain restlessness, we moved.  A lot.  I kind of enjoyed it because I liked making new friends and discovering new places.  I made the best of a stressful situation.

My college years, like many my age, involved moving from one rental to another, as time and circumstance pushed me out of one place to another.  Those were the days when possessions were few and backs were strong.

This nomadic norm continued through to my later adulthood, and, daughter in tow, we moved when we needed to.  Meanwhile, my parents had abandoned their back and forthing and settled into a beautiful prairie style home in San Diego, and stayed there for 40 years.  Always, of course, with remodeling going on.  A nomad's second best option.

There has been a great peace since moving here.  Yes, mostly due to my husband's love, but also because I feel I am home.  And a great home it is, perfectly suited to us.  It's a happy home, and we will find ourselves expressing our joy at random moments.  It's as if we just moved in and are looking around and, with great surprise, think, "We scored!"

I think we did, don't you?


  1. Yes! You scored in every way! Congrats on two years in your maison du bonheur.

    1. Thank you. Hope someday to host you and Roger.

  2. How neat to find the right place for you. There is a quote I love by Sena Jeter Naslund in her book, Ahab's Wife. I have claimed it for myself as so important for joy in life. "Where we choose to be-- we have that power to determine our lives. We cannot reel time backward or forward, but we can take ourselves to the place that defines our being." Our Tucson house is that for me but unfortunately it's too many miles from kids and grandkids; so we don't spend the time there. This farm is that place for my husband. He actually planned as a boy to run away to this exact area. I also like it but it doesn't define my being as the Tucson house does for me.

    1. It's nice that you can spend time at each.

  3. For those of us who have known you over some years and followed the vicissitudes of life you shared, it is delightful to see you happy and fulfilled. You so deserve it!

  4. Happy 2 year anniversary in finding your happy home!!

    1. Thank you. Would love to have you come visit us someday. We are well-positioned between San Francisco and Napa. Woot!


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...