Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Special Post

Hello my fellow Americans.  I have kept busy today.  The first I saw of any election news on the television is when I was on the treadmill at 3 o'clock.  The sound was off, I was trying to keep up with the super speedy closed caption.  The pundits were yammering on about the usual stuff, and I thought, "This is gonna be a long night."  That cardio workout was exactly what I needed: to move and to sweat.

I started the day wearing white.  White jeans and a white t-shirt.  For the suffragettes, don't you know.  Then I cleaned out the hot tub, and, well, that was the end of those clothes for the time being.

I grocery shopped in the early a.m., because I had to get my butt moving, and we needed food basics.  And I hate food shopping.  But I did it, dammit.  And now we'll have a nice dinner with wine tonight.  Yesterday I opened a couple of cans of chili, that's how bad it had become.  My enthusiasm for nightly cooking has waned of late, and I can fantasize about a personal chef all I want, but I don't think that luxury is in my future.   Although, it would make a GREAT Christmas present, wouldn't it?  WOULDN'T IT?

What else did I do today to keep busy?  Took the dog in for a badly needed nail trim, went to the hardware store for spa chemicals, and the home store for a shower curtain and bath mat.  I was mesmerized by the seasonal decorations for Thanksgiving, but I maintained some sanity and didn't purchase any of it.  (Patting myself on the back here.)

I stopped at our favorite Italian deli and picked up sandwiches for lunch.  We ate on our porch, in the glorious autumn sunshine and marveled that it is November.

I have been checking in on Face book, and have been entertained by the political cartoons, gifs and rants.  I'm also encouraged to see so many of my peeps voting today.  There is a live feed at the grave of Susan B. Anthony, and lines of people are going there to honor her today with election memorabilia and "I voted" stickers.  A woman has finally, successfully, run for President, in a time where there are still women alive who could not vote when they were younger, or who were born a couple of years after we earned that right.  Langston Hughes' lines "There has never been equality for me, nor freedom in this 'land of the free.'"  From his epic poem America.  Of course he was speaking for himself and all black Americans, but as a white woman, I can relate very much.

I have also grown to appreciate Hillary Clinton during this election cycle.  Thanks to friends like Kathleen in Baltimore, also a Wellesley graduate, who took the time to talk me off the ledge after Bernie was defeated.  I see how qualified she is, and though not perfect (and, whom, EVER was?) I think she'll work hard as President.  We've got to keep her working for us, and I don't envy the work ahead of her.

Almost time to pop the cork and drink some wine.  I am hopeful about the outcome of today's election, but I also know that the world as we know it could be turned upside down by tomorrow.  There's a guestroom in Canada that is my husband's and mine if we want it.  We just may.

Congratulations, dear reader, we are here, finally.  What a long, strange trip it's been.


  1. Loved this one! Glad I could help you get over your Bernie grief!

  2. Everyone -- EVERYONE missed this. I am sickened that this pervert won.

  3. I'm in a state of grief. What's gonna happen in the next four years? The possibilities loom with horror.

    1. How little we understood. How in the HELL could 53% of white women vote for Drumpf? How is this possible?


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...