Friday, November 4, 2016


I made this a couple of days ago and they are delicious and dense nutrition. A couple of changes: I used cow milk instead of almond, because that's what I had, and dried cranberries instead of raisins.  A small one inch square is enough to thoroughly satisfy and there is no added sugar.

I made them as I was reorganizing the garage, sorting through things I haven't used since we moved in two years ago, and putting them up for sale on a local FB site for buying, selling and trading.

The one thing I'm selling which I have a hard time with is the Oneida sterling silver set that my grandmother bought in 1942.  It's an elegant and simple pattern, and I did use it for years.  But keeping the stuff polished is getting harder for me, and I don't want to do it anymore.   I  have thoroughly researched this set over the years, to understand its monetary value, and the history of it.  I'm offering it at a 50% discount over the sale price of the only outlet that still carries replacements.  The pattern has not been in production for 40 years.  And can you believe someone is interested but dickering about the price?  I wrote back:  Look, this is a FIFTY PERCENT discount already.  Not interested in going lower.

This is a pattern when selling used goods: bowl for $10.  "Will you take $6?"  Oh, for crying out loud.  Do you want the bowl or not?  I sold some dining chairs last week and one person just wanted to buy one but I didn't want to break up the set.  So I said, "no."  Later, someone bought it all.  The first person wrote back and said, "Really, you won't sell just one?"  I said, "No, because I just sold ALL of them."  (Popped another another oatmeal treat into my mouth.) 

Am I being unreasonable?  I don't know.  Do you try to negotiate a price on used items? 

I earnestly try to price items to sell, but I also want to be fair to myself.  Hell, if no one buys the silver, I'll get my daughter and son-in-law to polish it the next time they're up and I'll use it again.  Hells bells.  Other items, I would rather donate to the SPCA Thrift shop than let someone dicker me down to a ridiculous price.  Perhaps I am not cut out for this business.  I guess it is common to try and strike a bargain, but I don't like it.  It feels like getting bent over a log, if you know what I mean.

And this gal don't do logs.

Have a great weekend!


  1. We started making those cookies a year or so ago and love them. Dried cranberries, blueberries, all are good in them.

    I haven't bought much for the house in years but I don't think I've ever tried to negotiate a lower price except in Mexico where it's expected ;)

  2. Use the silver. First give it a good polish. Then if you use it often and wash it in the dishwasher with non-abrasive detergent (but only silver in the utensil basket...don't mix it in with stainless)you need not polish it. A good silver box to store it in is also important for tarnish prevention. Use it.

    Of course, if you are not talking utensils but a silver tea/coffee service then polishing is required. And a service is not really useful any more. Seems pretentious to pull it out even when you are entertaining.

    I would never think to negotiate a price. I look at the object and the price and if I think it's worth it to me, then I buy it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you for your input. If I don't sell, I think I WILL use it. It's quite an elegant and non frou frou design.

  3. Replies
    1. It is good. I'm thinking it would be better with some chocolate poured over the top.

  4. I love the sound of that recipe. Yum! I would never try to talk someone's price down. That sounds absurd. Wouldn't it be funny to list the item with two prices: a higher price for people who plan to negotiate; and one for people who plan to purchase.

    1. people are really strange. Sometimes I just want to say, "you know what? it's free! take it! I don't have time for your bullshit!"


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...