Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday Musings

My grand daughter celebrated her first birthday yesterday.  My daughter contacted me on FaceTime so Steve and I could sing happy birthday with the party goers and watch Dylan figure out how to dig into a cake.  I'm so glad we have the technology where we can stay in touch this way.  It makes me feel (almost) like I was there.

Kids were running around, hyped from the trampoline and donuts, no doubt.  I think my daughter pulled this cake from the baby after she'd had a good amount.  She's not used to eating sweets.  Hope she doesn't erp all over her parents!

I'm listening to a radio program KPIG on Spotify.  KPIG is the radio station I adored when I lived in the Monterey Bay area.  Eclectic mix of country, rock, folk rock and flat out hillbilly.  Good music for packing, which is what we are doing these days.  I'm starting with the closets, as they are usually the last thing that get packed, and it's always such a scramble at the end.

I have no idea when escrow closes.  Hoping to find out today from the realtor.  When we moved into our home 3.5 years ago, I thought we had done a good job of purging, and I suppose we did, but purge again is what is going down.  A poster of Hillary I've never even looked at?  Toss.  Yes, history, but how many other people are going to have this history in their drawers?  I did same a campaign button of hers.  ("Today" from Jefferson Airplane just came on. Wow.)

I've been thrown off my vegan diet somewhat just because of the chaos and upheaval.  Yesterday I had half of an italian meat sandwich.  It was good but my stomach suffered for it.  I'll get back on track.  My blood sugars are up due to the stress of everything.  So much for my excitement at getting them much lower in the last several weeks.  Again, when the stress is over, my sugars will come down.  It still amazes me, 25 years later, what a direct line there is between stress and sugars.  Wish it weren't so.  Makes me feel a tad fragile.  Ick.

(Grateful Dead, Jack Straw on now...see what I mean?)

I very much look forward to normalization, and soon.  Until, I keep keepin' on.  I'm so thankful that my husband can find the humor during these crazy days.  Lots of laughing going on in our home.  Hysterical laughter, but laughter nonetheless.

So it goes.


  1. Ah KPIG, Roger streams that quite often, especially when he's out doing heavy-duty yard work. There's something about that old rock and roll and hard labor that seems to just work. I hope once the stress lightens up your blood sugars lighten up as well. Take care there and rock on!

  2. Sending love. Thank goodness for bittersweet music and hysterical laughter in good company during stressful times.

    Hearing "Today" after all these years brings up all sorts of painful things I haven't quite let go of and didn't even know that I was still holding on to. Turns out it was released on February 1, 1967, when many of us were the same age that Emma Gonzalez is now.

    Late winter/ early spring is a good time for making way for the new.

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