Monday, June 11, 2018

Monday Musings

I am pleased to report that I had a wonderfully enjoyable birthday yesterday.  I am gobsmacked that a year has passed since my lovely party in our garden to celebrate my 60th.  That was a lifetime highlight and something I will always (hopefully) remember.  I felt completely loved by family and friends and the warm cocoon of community lasted a very long time.

Yesterday I began by taking a very leisurely swim and then a soak in the spa.  After wards, cleaned and blow-dried, I took the dogs for a long walk down a path I haven't been on before.  It led to a park that was a complete surprise to me!  A swimming pool, tennis courts, a fitness circuit, athletic fields and plenty of lush green grass for the pups to run on.  Following that outing, the  hubs and I had brunch with a couple of neighbors, completely by accident.  We have a thing  here wherein you can tell the maitre d' if you'd like to share your table with other residents.  So, they ask when you come in if you'd like to share a table.  We said "yes" and joined a couple of friends who have been here 16 years and 10 years.  They were fun and interesting and we had a lively  meal with them.  We walked away commenting on how fun it is to live here and meet all these fascinating people.

In the afternoon I hauled a couple of lawn chairs out to the common area and had a nice read under the sprawling Sycamore.  I brought two chairs just in case a neighbor would like to join me.  No one did, but our next door neighbor said it was a grand idea, and she'd never seen anyone do it.    I'll keep doing it -- maybe I'll start a thing, and more people will bring their chairs out off of their porches and balconies.  It's just so nice under the trees, with the soft squishy grass between my toes and the abundant bird song.

And lastly, we had dinner out with family.  A fun time, but the grandchildren were tired from their busy weekend and practically fell asleep at the table.  One turns 13 this week, and the other is now 15.  Both thoroughly delightful people, who have (at their young age) such substance.  Truly dancing to the beat of their own drummers.  I sat next to my step-daughter, who was intrigued by my new Apple Watch, and observed as I texted my daughter on the device.  The jury is still out on whether or not this watch is worth it, but I'm giving it a shot.  I can track my heart rate on it which was the main motivation.

A big shout out to my friends who contributed to my birthday fundraiser for the American Diabetes Association.  They exceeded my goal, and I am grateful.  This was a Facebook thing, and it's a great way to celebrate a birthday.  At this point in my life I don't need any more "stuff."  So I like to see my friends gift me a donation to one of my favorite causes.  Everybody wins!

Also a grateful acknowledgement to my dear husband, who let me know often yesterday, how much he loves me.  It's the best feeling in the world to be so well loved.

A very good birthday.  A very good life.  Despite the hiccups (see last Friday's post). 

I hope  you  have a good week, and that you practice kindness and compassion, especially to yourself.


  1. Happy Birthday, Tara!

    Love the additional chair idea.

    1. An invitation to chat...or to be together in silence.

  2. So glad your birthday was such a heart-warming, love-fest success. That's the best in every way. Now I'm curious about your apple watch. Keep us posted on how that works out and what it records. Sounds intriguing.

    1. Yesterday I answered a phone call on it -- which was cool since I was reclining on the couch and didn't want to get up and get my phone in the next room!

  3. Happy, happy birthday, dear Tara!

  4. My mother always insisted on two chairs being available on the lawn in case of visitors. Glad you had a good birthday on the 10th.

    1. You're mother was too right, John! Thank you for the birthday wishes.

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