Monday, June 25, 2018

Monday Musings

This is therapy, my friends.

A cold cocktail....
swimming with my girls...
surprising the baby....

having dinner with my hubs...

sitting under the Sycamore.
Getting emails from friends.  Reading great things like this:

We are moving this week (!) to our new apartment at the other end of the building.  Thursday will be here but quick.  I am trying to accept that craziness will reign that day and there is nothing I can do about it but take deep breaths and look forward to a sweeter, brighter, larger place to live in.

Short vacations are a'coming:  up to Washington to spend a few nights with family on Steamboat Island in July.  Carmel Valley in August to reunite with friends and stay at the zen center at Tassajara for a couple of nights.  Hubs has never been there, and it is a must see for that very reason.  I haven't been for a few years, and though previous trips have found me staying in hot little wood cabins, this season I am springing for something more deluxe which will be cooler to sleep in.  Get ready for some great vegetarian food, my love.  I look forward to the witnessing the frantic line of people standing outside the dining hall for dinner.  It's dog eat dog at this retreat that is supposed to center us and calm us.  We'll stand back and saunter in at the end, grab whatever seating is available.  We've got this communal dining thing down now.

What are you doing for therapy? 


  1. Sounds like you have everything under control!!

  2. Wow! You’ve got some great plans!

  3. Loving and being loved is the best therapy. Timeless.

    1. so essential, whether it be a partner, a friend, whatever.

  4. I've been going for walks, but that doesn't really quiet my mind or assuage the grief in my heart. I keep trying though. I love that you and Steve are going to Tassajara. That is so blissfully cool.

    1. I'm sure the joy you get from walking is making your life better than it would be without. Cultivate happiness, especially during this mess. Yes, I'm so glad to be going to Tassajara again. It's been too long.

  5. it was worth it. all is great, we love the new place.

  6. It is so wonderful (though sometimes difficult) to remain focused on the good things in life and pursue them. Way to go!

  7. Thank for your very good article! i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!



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