Friday, July 6, 2018


No rest for the weary over here at the latest (and last?) abode.  We moved on June 29, and the unpacking continues.  Every time I think we've made significant headway, I turn around to face a seemingly brand new stack of boxes.  And the books, oy, the books.  We do have an extraordinary collection of photography books -- those large "coffee table" type, I must say.  But hauling them from place to place is a chore deluxe.  We had hoped to donate many of them to the library in our community, but they really don't have the room either, and the books don't seem to be terribly popular in their experience. 

My husband has collected exquisite books by his favorite photographers:  Bresson, Doisneau, Kertesz, Atget, Erwitt, Salgado, Turnley, Adams and Avedon to name a view.  And then there are the collections from Magnum, Leica and Life.  If you don't know the names, look them up on Google and be amazed.  I especially encourage taking a look at Salgado: his work monumental and his life even more exemplary. 

It the midst of all this chaos, the hubs made a lovely omelette for breakfast this morning.  We have not cooked many meals in the past three months and this was a rare treat.  He makes the best omelettes: simple, cheesy, crusty on the outside.

I wonder if I'll regret the cheese in a couple of hours....

Sometimes I throw caution to the wind.

So, after breakfast, it's back to the unpacking.  I wonder, can we finish it today?  It's a tantalizing prospect and will no doubt take all day to do.  But wouldn't it be great to be done?

We'll reward ourselves with dinner tonight at the Grill with friends.  A worthy reward.

Note, dear readers, I have avoided the shit storm that rages outside.  Purposefully. 

I prefer the shit storm that exists within my own walls.

Have a good weekend, and please do something just for fun.  Just for  yourself.  Because.


  1. I saw Salgado in person a few years ago -- incredibly remarkable man. He showed some of his new stuff of animals -- the earth -- and spoke of why and how he retired from photographing people. I can weep just thinking about it all. So glad that the moving is coming along. I imagine it's as hot up by you as it is down here, so please take care!

    1. We attended a talk of his in San Francisco 2 years ago. He spoke at length about his conservation efforts in his home country on his farm. What an extraordinary life!

  2. Soon you will have it all unpacked and the days will unfold with the question, "What will we do today?" Yes, do something for fun. The chaos of the world will still be there when you come back refreshed and ready for the next round.

    1. We took it easy today, Saturday. Put up a lot of our art. We're being very selective because I don't want the walls to look cluttered (it makes the apartment look smaller, imho). It was a pleasant task to put up our 'friends' again -- the images that bring us happiness every day.

  3. Glad you have your priorities right. There is not a thing we can do about the storm outside except let it drive us crazy. Take it easy. It will all get done in its own time.

    1. Perspective, eh? I had a lovely deep soaking tub installed in our second bathroom, and when I need to take it easy I indulge in a delightful hot bath with lavender bath salts. Ahhh....

  4. Thanks for that - you've just reminded me why I never want to move house again! And why I try to avoid piling up too much stuff.

  5. It’s really a great and helpful piece of information. I am happy that you simply shared this helpful information with us.



A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...