I had my computer hacked a week ago but I was lucky. I shut it down and called my sis, who has access to a brilliant young computer nerd who came and worked magic. Found their entry point, set up security protocols and did it all in under 2 hours. Everything is up and running even better than before.
It did make me wonder, though, if using a computer and the internet for all my business (banking, bill paying, legal, etc) was such a risky business that I just shouldn't do it. But I'm not ready to return to the 20th century on this. We're all in it, and if systems go down, we are all entirely out of luck. That's the risk and reward aspect of our modern technological life.
And the hearings? Well, seems as if everything that could be said has been said, and I'm too emotionally exhausted to rehash it all on this blog. Let me just say that I am SO glad the Democrats walked out of the subcommittee meeting today. And so glad they held a press conference. It seems to have influenced the POS POTUS to finally, finally, ask for an FBI investigation of Blasey-Ford's allegations. Don't know all the details yet, but I'm sure the PBS News Hour will clear it up for me.
But gosh. How exhausting is this? Every woman I know personally is reeling.
Hoping for a Blue and Pink wave in November.
Still working out heart and head health issues. The hunt continues for the culprit. I'm physically exhausted from both. I spent 3 hours in an MRI tube yesterday having my heart looked at. I'm comfortable enough in the tube, but this particular test involved holding the breath frequently while the pictures were being made.
Chaos within and without these days.
At the Big House tonight, we're having an Oktoberfest dinner extravaganza. Not particularly a fan of all that bratwurst and German fare, but it's free food. Well, not really free. We pay for it. But if it means not cooking, I'm in.
Waiting for true autumnal weather. Not here yet. I looked out the window hopefully today as it looked windy and cloudy and I thought - perhaps - we might experience a little wet miracle. Alas, no.
Hope you are finding your way through this mess and making a little nest of comfort somewhere, somehow.
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Victoria, BC, Canada 2016 |