Monday, November 12, 2018

Monday Musings

I hate that he takes up so much of our public space -- the airwaves, social media, print journalism.  But he does.  Someone on Facebook told me to not let him get into my head.  But he is in my head.  He's in the nation's head.

I wish the Press Corp would walk out of White House press briefings if he continues to behave like a buffoon.  A cruel, heartless joke of man.

And what he tweeted about the California wildfires last week -- shameful.  He couldn't shut his mouth if his life depended upon it.  I hope, beyond hope, that the Mueller investigation wraps up soon and that there is some evidence of crimes by the POTUS that he can be prosecuted for.  I long to see this orange menace physically dragged out of the people's house, kicking and screaming and crying for Roy Cohn, who famously said "My scare value is high. My arena is controversy. My tough front is my biggest asset."  Sound like anyone you know?

Right-minded people came out in huge numbers last week.  A repudiation of this fake reality show president.  If we continue to persevere in 2020 perhaps we can change the Senate and vote this pig out of office.  But we've got to turn up the heat and turn out the vote.

I read a lot, and know there are good men and women out there who are, through the courts and through journalism, and through logical persuasion, pushing back against this White House.  Even Fox "News" has pushed back on the POTUS a couple of times lately.  If everyone would just stop fearing the dolt, maybe we could change the direction of the idiot and his idiot followers.

In my 61 years, I have never seen a more perilous story play out in the halls of power.  This is how it starts, and our great land is not immune to a fascist take-over.  Comedian Bill Maher calls it "A slow moving coup."  I used to think this was hyperbole.  Not so much any more.

Carry on, brothers and sisters.  I know it's a tall order, but try to have a good week.

Washington State, not Alabama.
“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” 
~Swedish proverb


  1. Thank you for all you wrote today. This morning I am watching a DVD from 2012 which shows that we can survive another kind of plague, with its most obvious symptoms manifesting in the White House.

    "When faced with the unimaginable, they did the impossible ... Their strength changed the world."

    Perhaps you've seen this already.

  2. thank you so much for mentioning the movie. I don't believe I've seen it, and I just bought it on Amazon streaming. I'm sure it will be a tough, but inspiring movie.

  3. It seems to me that journalists are missing a trick here: rather than get into silly arguments with him they should simply report that he was unable, unwilling or too ill-informed to answer their questions. Who could blame them if they then went on to speculate as to why this might be? When they get involved in these silly arguments which, you will notice, he deliberately starts, it simply and effectively deflects criticism of the key facts. No one can ever win an argument with this man because as they say, I believe, in Madagascar "In an argument with a fool it must be the wise man who backs down first".

    1. I think you're on to something there, John. When he spews nonsense, there's no point in re-phrasing the question. The press plays by his rules, and his game is all about slippery diversion.

  4. The election last week helped to allay some of my fears, but he does have the senate willing to do his bidding. I'm waiting to see how it all plays out. He scares me, but we will do all that we can to help a blue wave for 2020.

    1. and more races are being decided still. How about the Arizona Senate seat? Wow! That's big.

  5. More than once I have heard this man's demeanor compared to that of an obstinate child. We see it far too often and the people who have the power to stop it seem reluctant to do anything. I am also counting on Mueller to give us the truth.

    1. Yes, and I read today that he is sulking BIG TIME after the mid-term elections and popping off at staff. Sounds pretty childish to me.

  6. Yes. He's in the nation's head. Would that we could expel him.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...