Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday Musings

I'm home after a week in Colorado with the grand kids.  Both were sick at various points during the week, and the baby was especially ill with a fever for a couple of days.  I forget what a drag it was to have a sick child -- having to take time off of work (much to the dismay of your employer) and tend to an irritable child who simply will not be comforted.  And the snot...oh, the snot.  My hat's off to parents.

My son-in-law was in Wisconsin on business so I helped out by taking the kids into daycare and school, and picking them up.  The baby went at 6:30  in the morning in freezing temperatures -- 7 degrees one day and 11 the next.  The third day was a balmy 26 degrees and I actually drove my grandson to school in my pajamas!  How quickly we acclimate.

When I picked up the boy from school, all the parents were bundled up tight while the kids ran out of their classrooms in short sleeved t-shirts!  It is quite a circus when that bell rings and the doors fly open to release these pent-up children.  They jump and holler and fist bump each other; they run down the grassy hills and pick up pine cones under the trees to throw at each other.

They've got heavy backpacks on, and art projects made of paper clutched in their hands.  They wave their masterpieces in the air, calling "Look! Look!" to their parents.  Some things never change.
Speaking of things that never change: my grand kids love to have books read to them.  The baby will pull books out of the lower shelf and bring them to you, put them on your lap and hold her arms up so that you will lift her onto your lap.

My grandson is reading now in first grade, and I helped him sound out the words to unlock the stories.  It was hard work for him, but mostly he worked it out and was quite proud of himself for getting through an entire book in one sitting.  His reading team at school won first prize for reading the most books.  He was pretty proud of that, too.  I don't remember, but I do know from my report cards, that I had a very difficult time reading aloud in first grade.  My teacher was very distressed about it and suggested to my parents that we read more at home, which is funny because I remember reading regularly with my parents.

The baby is quite enamored of her big brother and follows him around holding his hand.  He mostly tolerates it but does get tired of the adulation.  They roughhouse together and they get quite physical. so I'm surprised that no damage is done.

It was a good week, interspersed with running errands, stopping for meals and morning coffee.  I even saw a movie one afternoon and I managed to fit in two massages during the week (my back had been causing me some pain).  Due to the high altitude I am normally pretty wiped out when I first arrive, but this week was the easiest yet.

So, back to the routine at Chez Crowley-Barbour.  Adieu, dear babies.  Until next time.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time spent with the family even if it was freezin' cold there, it was definitely heartwarming in every way. Welcome home.

    1. It was good -- AND it's great to be home. I missed my sweetie!

  2. Glad you had such a good time in spite of the weather. And glad you are safely back home.

    1. and I don't seem to have caught a cold or flu, either from the kids OR the airplane trip. That's a miracle, right there.

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A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...