Monday, July 15, 2019

Monday Musings

Saturday my husband and I escaped for a little while and took a drive down Hwy 113.  It's a two lane affair that winds through the little down of Dixon and then south to Rio Vista.  It's the land of cattle and sheep ranches, giant wind turbines (which, I've heard cause cancer!) and at this time of year the rolling hills are the quintessential California gold color.  The last time we took this trip it was spring, bright green fields with poppies covering the hillsides.  This time, it was hearty short sunflowers all along the ditches paralleling the road.  Wish I'd had my pruning shears on me! 

don't know what those yellow flowered things are....a quick 'drive by shooting'

My husband has been having tremendous pain in both ankles for a week.  It's so bad that he can barely walk, and he's fallen three times trying to do so.  So, I sprang into action and bought a shower chair, walker, and borrowed a transport chair from a neighbor.  The transport chair came later because I had hoped he would recover in a few days.  Now, with the chair, we can go to the bistro and have lunch and dinner.

So, I'm chair pusher, house keeper and cook for awhile.  All complicated by the fact that I'm have great joint pain in my legs and hips.  Someday I'll stop groaning and wincing in pain every time I stand up from a chair or couch.  But now is not that time.  The pain should go away once I've had my over active parathyroid glad removed.  That process is going slowly...I finally had my appointment with the ENT surgeon, and he performed an ultra sound which revealed additional nodules on my thyroid gland!  It will have to be biopsied and removed at the same time they remove the parathyroid gland.  I don't know if this means I'll lose my entire thyroid gland, or just the part that has the nodules in it.  Stay tuned.

And, may I say, I could use a goddamn break.  I wonder what happened to that woman who was working out at the gym for 18 mos., steady as clockwork?  I miss her and I want her back.  I did manage to finally go to the 8:00 a.m. water aerobics class here at the Big House.  It was great, and I'm going back for 3x a week sessions.  It was a very good workout and, big plus, it was fun.  I even swam on my own yesterday, and took S. along so he could get some exercise.  He enjoyed it immensely and we'll go back on weekends.  I may even get him to join us at the weekday classes.

I wish you a good week, truly, and joy wherever and whenever you can find it.  Look for it!

White Tara. She offers healing to our wounds, whether it is our bodies or our minds that have been hurt.



  1. You and Steve really do have a lot of stuff going on there. Sure hope things calm down and you can both enjoy long walks, time in the pool, and painless days of utter joy.

    1. oh Robin, you are my northern star. Faithful friend and one of the very few followers of my ramblings here. I appreciate your attention so much. You were the one (and Roger) who got me started blogging. So, it must have been 2004 or 05 for me! I don't even keep track of the anniversary any more.

  2. Wind turbines causing cancer??? Which oil company are putting that rumour around, I wonder.

    1. It's a joke, John, as our President said it and everyone laughed at his ignorance.

  3. Beautiful photo. Hope you are both feeling better soon, but good you moved to where you are when you did.

    1. boy, I'll say, Betty! We're both falling apart!

  4. Amazing how well the Dutch have done living among all those cancer-causing windmills!

    On a serious note, I am so sorry for all these things thrown at you at once. It would be bad enough piece-meal and I admire your courage for stepping up even while in pain yourself. I'm sending positive vibes all across our country. All the way from sea to shining sea.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...