Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday Musings - On my fourteenth blogiversary

Man, the Friday music posts started by The New Dharma Bums are really firing me up. I've got the Alexa thingy, and now all I do is say, "Alexa, play 1970s folk music," and away we go. It's fantastic. I also like to ask it to play Christmas Jazz. Another very good one. So what if it's listening in on me? Welcome to my super secret fascinating life of puttering, cooking and cleaning. 

 I watched an extremely inspiring documentary the other day: Charged: The Eduardo Garcia Story

What a story of loss and recovery. I won't share too much here, because I want you to watch it! After I saw it, I felt a new spark of energy to get on with this life of mine. Because, you know, sometimes I wonder if this existence is really worth much, and I have amorphous existential questions that hover just feet above my head. I've been thinking of the past eight years, in which I left one marriage, moved a fair distance to join my family in northern California, made new friends and created a pretty solid life and married once more. I've lived through numerous health problems, some of which were nearly fatal. I met a man and fell in love yet again. A man, no less! My friends from the other side of the fence never made me feel weird about that. 

Washing up the breakfast dishes yesterday, the realization popped into my head: over the last 5 years I have sold or purchased THREE homes! The last one is my very own. The other two were with my husband. Buying and selling your own home is usually an extremely stressful situation involving banks, lenders, insurance companies, real estate agents and sometimes attorneys (as was our case because the house was in the family trust). Thinking about all of this, a grin spread across my face and I thought, gleefully, "I am MIGHTY." If I ever doubt my abilities to tackle big things, I need to remember this. Hmmm...maybe signage would help. My daughter does this: leaves herself notes to remind herself carry on, love herself, appreciate the good. I'm envisioning a lipstick scrawl on my bathroom mirror: "I am MIGHTY." 

So, it's two days before Christmas and I'm all set. Just going to spend the day loving on my grand kids and their parents. Of course, I will be thinking back on Christmases gone by...and of people gone or left behind/people missed and loved and remembered. For me, this big tumbling whirling life always comes into fine focus during the winter holidays. Some years are better than others, naturally, and this year might be a little difficult. However, I know the experience of Christmas through my grand children's eyes will be uplifting. I'm gonna love them up until they push Bubbe away! 

If you're feeling blue, remember that the days are now getting lighter and brighter. And watch the movie. It will lift your spirits, I guarantee it. 

Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukka. Joyous Kwanza!


  1. I love reading this post. Your reflections and enthusiasm are so heartening. It has been a life-changing couple of years, and you've absolutely risen to the challenges. Wishing you a truly merry and happy time of the season. Yes, the light returns.

    1. I'm like the Energizer Bunny! Thanks, Robin. Your friendship has been a constant source of happiness for me. Happy happy merry merry to you!

  2. Happy Xmas to you. That was a very uplifting read.

  3. Blogging is here to stay! Wow! 14 years! We're on our way to 2020, with the days gradually getting lighter. Thank you for your ever renewing energy.

  4. That's quite a record! Congratulations and Merry Christmas.

    1. Indeed. Hope you and yours had a lovely Christmas.

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A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...