Monday, March 16, 2020

Corona Virus Hits Home

Steve's Celebration of Life service has been cancelled due to the virus.  We are trying to slow the progression of the spread, especially at the retirement community where it was going to be held.

My doctor had already advised me not to fly.  I am self isolating, just to play it safe.  I went to the grocery store the other day and the lines were long, the toilet paper shelves were empty, and people were not observing the six foot distance from one another.  I needed to be there to pick up a prescription, and figured I'd get some food shopping in while I was there.

The Centers for Disease Control is in the process of doing targeted outreach to the elderly community and those that have serious underlying health conditions.  They are advising avoiding activities such as traveling by airplane, going to movie theaters, attending family events, shopping at crowded malls, and going to religious services.  This 'elderly' group surely doesn't mean me, does it?  Yes.  People over 60, especially since I have three underlying, chronic conditions.

This virus particularly hits the lungs, and with chronic asthma, that's not good.  Also, an illness like this would escalate my blood sugars to the extreme, and that is never good.

Another thing the CDC is recommending is to have a supply of prescription medications at home.  Supply chains may be disrupted.  My daughter went to refill a prescription yesterday and her insurance company would not pay for more than one month's supply.  Her out of pocket cost if she chose to get two month's worth would be $700.  And I know my insurance company will not cover more than a month's supply -- an issue I have raised before in these posts.  Seems to me there should be federal mandate for temporarily lifting these restrictions so people can have a back up supply if needed.

I am not panicked but I am aware.  I will take what precautions I can.  I was hoping to fly to France in April to stay with friends in the North, and then travel to Paris to scatter Steve's ashes there.  But I will postpone that one for sure.  He doesn't care.  He was unsentimental about those sorts of things and he never expressed a wish to have his ashes scattered in the Seine.  It's strictly for me, and his daughter thinks it is a grand idea.

I have been working with a grief counselor for the last couple of weeks.  What a difference it has made.  I got to the point where I was feeling desperate in my grief and becoming stuck and non-functional.  After just my second visit, a great weight was lifted off my shoulders.  The episodes of raw uncontrollable crying have abated.  The guilt of not being there with him has been put back into perspective and I have regained a certain peace about the whole thing.  The making of the book has been cathartic. 

The news on the virus seems to change every day, in that there are more cases every day.  We have seventy two confirmed in Colorado, and from what I've read, that probably means we have 700 unknown cases in the state.  It's going to get worse before it gets better.

I have plenty to keep me busy:  my house has never been more clean!

I hope you are coping with all the upheaval.  If you have recommendations for books or movies (on Netlfix or Amazon), let me know!  This may be a long period of staying close to home.


  1. We're in self-isolation mode here, and you know us, that's not too much of a change in our behaviors. Yet, it all feels very challenging and scary knowing that it's going to get worse before it gets better. Please stay safe and healthy there, Tara.

  2. Here in NJ, the governor just ordered all non essential businesses to shut down at 8pm. Some towns have already told non essential business to close altogether. This is after a weekend of St. Patrick's Day bar activity that has outraged communities - parades cancelled but bars advertising that they were still open, lines of people waiting to get into places, people gathering and partying... the damage, I'm afraid, has already been done. In a couple of weeks' time, we will see a large rise in cases because of all this. Meanwhile, grocery stores are empty and people are panicking. It's honestly the most surreal thing I've ever seen in my life.

    1. what a horror show that festivities went on!! You just can't fix stupid. I hope we'll be able to order groceries on-line, but if everyone does, that system is going to be overwhelmed. Is sure is surreal, you got that right. Kind of like the myriad zombie apocalypse movies.

  3. Everything here in Nashua, NH is much the same as so many other places. Things are either cancelled, shut down or postponed. I know that this postponement must have been a disappointment for you, Tara, hopefully, things will improve and it can be rescheduled at a later date. I read some of your earlier posts this year to learn more about Steve as I was not reading your blog when he passed away. It was comforting to read that the grief counselor has been helping you. We are self-isolating as well. Thankfully, we do not have health issues faced by many others we know and have been reaching out by phone, email, text to make sure they are OK.Bloggers have also been connecting and that helps to ease some of the loneliness and helplessness many are feeling now.

    1. yes, Beatrice, a disappointment. I was looking forward to seeing all our friends. being what it is these days....I'm glad to read that you are self-isolating even though you don't have underlying health problems. I have a friend in California who I am furious with because he feels immune (ha!) to all of this and is continuing to dine in crowded restaurants and is even going to fly to Dallas for wedding! ARGH.

  4. Forgot to mention that I have enjoyed two books by Charles Belfoure, The Hidden Architect, and currently The Paris Architect. I have enjoyed watching a series, Janet King, on Acorn Streaming and not sure if it's available on Amazon. The lead, Marta Dusseldorf, is an amazing actress.

  5. Good to know you are taking all the steps necessary to maintain your health and that you made a truly beautiful book to honor the life you and Steve shared and to honor your grief journey at the same time. After my beloved died in April 2008, it was the making of a book of memories on my Macbook Pro that helped me through the early days of my complicated grief journey. I am grateful for the support of professional counselors, too.

    Having a common cold (no fever, no cough, no shortness of breath) during these early days of the COVID-19 has kept me at home until today when I went out for the first time, early in the morning, to get a few groceries to supplement the generous amounts of rice, dried beans, almonds, oats, and olive oil that I already had that will sustain me in a simple way for some time to come. I had plenty to eat for the last nearly 9 days, without needing to go out, and still have enough toilet paper for about a week as I usually buy two 12-packs at Trader Joe's at a time. There was no toilet paper in the store today when I went out. I wonder how long that will last, and I wonder if there will be a limit set on how much toilet paper a person can buy at a time once the shelves are stocked again. Going out was a test for me. I didn't pass. My energy is not back to normal. Yet.

    I am re-reading my collection of Parabola magazines. My mother gave me a subscription in the 1980s which I let lapse but then subscribed again in the 1990s until I retired in 2017 and had to adjust to a limited income. Abundant food for thought in those Parabola years. With all these unexpected unscheduled hours, I hope to spend more time learning Spanish. And working on my mandala series.

  6. I don't know how long this run on TP is going to last. I hear that many stores are now placing a limit on how many you can buy. I've heard recently as well that we can expect another three weeks of isolating and social distancing -- at least. In about two weeks we will have many many many more cases. Luckily I have a good supply and if I run out, I have an even better supply of tissues I will use.

    Parabola Magazine looks fabulous -- I had to look it up. Sounds like a great time to dig into all those old issues you have! Maybe good fodder from blog posts, as well. I certainly would love that.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...