Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Just look at that incredible decorative work above the arches! Beautiful photograph.

    1. Thank you, John. Morocco is just one visual feast after another.

  2. A beautiful photograph, Tara.

  3. This looks like a wonderful place to sit and enjoy the view as I noticed the cafe tables and chairs. Can you tell me where this was taken, Tara?

    1. Beatrice, this was taken in Morocco but I honestly cannot remember where. I was there for two weeks and took so many photos, it's all a blur. It's an extremely beautiful country with very friendly people. I love the architecture.

  4. Also, forgot to add, that I went back to the start of this blog as I was curious as to its title, so now there's no need to ask. It's too bad an unscrupulous person was the cause, and hopefully that person will not return. We all live in dread of folks like that which is why I check comments daily and immediately delete all spam ones. No one needs to be bothered/annoyed by such nonsense.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...