Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Alice's Garden - Wordless Wednesday


  1. Thank you for reminding me of my father's garden in foggy Gualala. Gardening was one of my father's gifts. Through a flower garden and a vegetable garden and a raspberry patch that he tended, he expressed his love of color and design. I remember the time when he was in his 70s and he said, "I should have been a farmer, not a businessman." He loved providing fresh vegetables and fruit for my mother and him during the 25 years they lived in Gualala. He loved that when we visited, he could provide us with food from his garden Alice's garden is beautiful. Thank you.

    1. what a sweet story of your father. I can see him in your words.

  2. That's beautiful, Tara. Where is this? For some reason, maybe the foggy gray distance behind the trees, it reminds me of Capitola.

    1. in the Alsace region in France, near the German border. My friends Alice and Philippe live just outside a small village called "La Petite Pierre." A beautiful part of the world. Over run by Germany many times over the centuries, and always retaken by France. So the region has a lot of German architecture.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...