Friday, October 15, 2021

Back in the saddle again?

Greetings.  I've been away from this space for a very long time. It was the pandemic and life was stagnant to say the least.  A waiting game, a 'just get through itj" daily grind.  I felt I had nothing of note to share, and I grew weary of reading all blogs.

I'm dipping my toe in to see if the water is pleasant and calls me back in.  I don't know.  I do know the blog world went along just fine without me.  I never did have an audience that could equal that of other blogs I read.  My guess is that my posts were just not that compelling or interesting to others.  That was okay for many years, and then, for reasons still murky to me, I began to resent it.  Then I decided to leave a platform that made me feel angry.  

I do enjoy re-reading my old posts -- it's been such a great journal, or diary, for me.  Such ups and downs.  This is the way of life.  If you strive for lasting equilibrium, you will be sorely disappointed.  It's taken me decades to deeply understand this.

I am still ensconced in my sweet little condo in my 55+ neighborhood. Two years now.  Close to a record for me.  The ladies here form quite a close knit support network.  During the lockdown, we would gather outside on someone's lawn, weather permitting, and check in with each other and share some good belly laughs.  I love being around older single women who are very content with their live and their status.  Lots of jokes about the joys of not having husbands!  One of us, in addition to me, identify as queer, but we feel the same way and enjoy the freedom of being on our own.  Since my last spouse was a man, that's what I stick with with this group.  I may be short changing these people, but I know that Colorado is a lot more conservative than California, so I watch my step until I get to really know someone deeply.

I recently took up watercolor painting after a 40 year hiatus.  Mostly to have a pleasant way to spend some hours. I went to the art supply store near my house and a knowledgable young woman, who paints watercolor herself, helped me pick out the basis supplies.  She seemed genuinely delighted that I was going to start painting again.  It bolstered my desire.  And so, now I play some music, sometimes Reggae, sometimes Rock or piano solos and Bach, and sit down to paint.  I forgot how much I enjoyed the process and the unfolding of a painting.

And so it goes, friends.  Always unfolding.


  1. Welcome back, Tara! It's so good to see you here and to see your beautiful art. Glad to know all is well and that you will be painting and blogging again. The world will be richer for it. I've missed you!

  2. Hope that you will continue to post here. I like your watercolor painting and would love to see more. I thoroughly enjoyed my years of using watercolors. In recent years, I've switched from watercolor and gouache to colored pencils. Either way, it's the color that appeals to me!

    “Color is all. When color is right, form is right. Color is everything, color is vibration like music; everything is vibration.”
    ― Marc Chagall

    1. Love that quote, m'dear. I'll post more watercolors if the outcomes are what I am seeking! For now, a lot of playing and trying techniques.

  3. Welcome back! I'm happy to read a bit about your life and am so intrigued by the 55+ community. I wonder if such a place exists in California that I could bring Sophie along, too? I love your watercolor -- I, too, have been dabbling in watercolor and collage. It's a joy.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. Glad to hear you're dabbling in watercolor and collage. It IS fun. I would think there must be 55+ communities in California. I imagine you would have to run Sophie by the HOA (not literally - ha) but I can't see why they'd refuse, unless they are just POS!! Let me know what you find out.

  4. That is a beautiful painting, and overall a wonderful report. I can think of few things more sustaining than a circle of women together under an open sky, sharing belly laughs. I would guess most bloggers want regular commenters. I do recall it was hard for me at first, writing into the void, but then I reminded myself that I was posting for myself first and foremost, as a record of my life, and I insisted to myself that I would just have to be ok with very few, if any, readers. To be honest, I had two very faithful readers, and they definitely kept me going. I am so very happy to see you back here. I hope you keep coming around.

    1. Thank you much. Yes, the blog as been a great way to record my life. Robin and Roger got me started and have been my constant support for posting. I also am glad you are happy to see me back, as I enjoy your blog as well.

  5. How very nice to hear from you again! I think everyone has struggled to find things to write about and photograph during the last couple of years. If I had any sense I'd have taken up painting again myself.

    1. Thank you, John. I'll pop over and catch up on your blog.

  6. Thanks for your visit and comment. Love your watercolour painting, it's a beauty. I took almost 2 months off to move and really thought about not blogging anymore myself. But I do have fun and my wife blogs too so we march onward. I included her blog link in case you wish to check it out. Have a wonderful day!


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...