Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Going along

 It's been weeks of agony here, folks.  I can not keep food down and I'm nauseous all. the. time.  Yesterday I finally went to the hospital, where they hydrated me with a bag full of vitamins and minerals.  Finding a vein was the hard part, as anyone whose ever been dehydrated can tell you.  But they called in "The Man" as I called him, and he took awhile finding one but he triumphed and I was over the moon.

My daughter and son-in-law took turns being with me.  The nurse found a med for nausea that actually worked and allowed me to rest for awhile.  Those ER beds are NOT comfortable, and my back was screaming at me.  My SIL dutifully (and lovingly) found ways of stuff a pillow behind me to provide relief.

I'm home now, and hydrated, and a feeling better than I have in days. But I still have a way to go.  I'm down 40 pounds since March 28 and it's been a terrible way to drop weight.  I am confident I will pass through this phase and when I'm on the other side we'll all have a good laugh about it, right?

I just heard on the news about the elementary school shooting in Texas.  Read it in the NY Times.  Not even going to turn on the t.v.  We all know the story too well by now, don't we?  We are a sick country.  Maybe should amend that to say sick politicians, who lack a moral backbone and won't do a damned thing about gun control, even though most of the country wants them to.

I've been tuning out the news and most television, since while being sick, I find I get motion sickness watching the screen.  I'm okay with that.

Looking forward to better days.


  1. I'm angry and sad about the school shooting. Glad Biden said he's also angry. Hope that you are on the mend...so sorry you had to get to that stage before getting rehydrated. It's so hard sometimes to just care for ourselves, let alone be able to swallow what goes on in the world.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I think I'm on the mend, though it is taking very long time. I've turned inward; it's all I can do.

  2. Sending love, Tara, hoping that the healing and return to health you are waiting for come soon.

    So many of the school shooters are barely out of childhood themselves. The scope of these tragedies is more than I can comprehend. Incomprehensible again and again.

    1. Thank you, am. Looking forward to the day when I feel normal. Yes, I'm turning away from this tragedy -- I can't take the pain.

  3. Sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time. I had to switch the news off tonight too; hearing about the school shootings was bad enough but then I was asked to listen to someone who thought the answer was to give firearms to the teachers.

    1. People in this country are certifiably nuts. And we have a Senate that cannot vote for even lame measures, despite over 90 percent support from the public to pass some gun legislation. It's insane.

    2. John, there are some complete idiots in the US of A.

  4. I hope your healing keeps on getting better and that you get to the place where you are healthy in every way.
    The news is so heartbreaking I cannot stand to even look at the headlines anymore.
    Thank you for fixing your comment section so I can comment here. Yay!!!

    1. Thank YOU Robin for helping me fix it. I still can't reply to these comments as anything other than "Anonymous"

    2. That happens to me too on the blog. There's a little arrow down next to anonymous, if you click on that it will let you log in and reply with your name. You'll have to log in on each response, but it's worth it. I'll send you a screen shot of what it looks like.

  5. 37paddington; I do hope you feel better soon, that things level out for you. 40 pounds in less than two months! Wow. Glad you have loving family around you.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...