Friday, December 6, 2019


(click on images to enlarge)
I had some photos from my Paris trip three years ago show up on Facebook this week.  I love that city, its people and the whole vibe of it.  The photos bring back many wonderful memories of walking, walking, walking through Paris streets and observing people.  Stopping at a cafe for lunch or a Perrier with grenadine to refresh and take a load off the feet for a bit.  I probably won't be returning to Paris for many years, as my financial situation is now not what it was.  But I am thankful for the opportunities I had to travel in Europe and Africa over the last five years.

 I won't miss the crowds, however.  My trip this year was marred by the crowded conditions.  It's one reason I don't go to large museums like the Musee du Louvre. I don't want to jostle with other tourists to get a look at the Mona Lisa.  I heard recently they are considering removing it because it attracts too many people.

The walk around Giverny was similarly ruined by too many people.  It would really help to limit the number of visitors at any one time. 
And don't get me started on Versailles.  What a sea of humanity.  Shoulder to shoulder snaking through hallways with no ability to linger or turn around.  There's plenty in Paris and nearby to enjoy without putting yourself through that.

In other news this week, I called the university to see what the heck was up with my change of insurance coverage.  After weeks of unsuccessfully navigating their website (which is undergoing renovation) I got hold of a real live person on the phone, gave her all my information and was assured she would expedite it.  That was October 23.  Nothing has happened since then.  WTF?!  I spoke with a live person again this week and she said she can't  understand why it wasn't processed, but it wasn't.  I gathered up my fist shaking anger and tucked it away so I could have a civil conversation with her and get the job done.  I am not the kind of person who sees a doc once or twice a year.  I'm a very, very frequent flyer due to several chronic illnesses.  So I've been livid that this is taking so long.  She said I'd have my new insurance card by the end of the week, but it came the next day.  A Christmas MIRACLE.  I have a doc appointment today for follow ups and referrals.

It's a very scary proposition to be as ill as I am and have no coverage for a few months.  I mean, I have coverage, but it's in California only, and I've been limping by here in Colorado without a doctor (or in my case, doctors).  I've been able to transfer my prescriptions to my new home and they've been paying for it.  I did have a visit to the ER a couple of weeks ago, and obviously I'm out of area, as they say, so we'll see if it gets covered.  The gal on the phone was explaining that they are switching to a new on-line system for all nine campuses, and they've been having a lot of problems with it.  Great....Same ol' university I've known and disparaged for over thirty years.  And still...I get health insurance, so there's that.

Have a wonderful weekend.

"Don't let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace."  

~ Dali Lama


  1. I don't venture to London for the same reasons. If you really want to learn about a country it's best to go to the places you've never heard of, I think. I'm glad to hear you've got your insurance sorted out; though when things get sorted as quickly as that you can't help wondering if it really was so difficult in the first place.

    1. Good point in your last sentence John. Why was it so difficult and demand so many contacts with websites and people before it happened?

  2. I've never been to Paris, but if I could teleport myself there, I'd love to take a long walk around. It's a shame though that the overcrowding detracts from the true splendors of the city. Wouldn't it be the most amazing thing if we just had a healthcare system that didn't require affiliation by job or state? The sanity of that is just an amazing thing to consider.

    1. yes, if we all had insurance coverage that we could take with us anywhere. What a giant screw up trying to get my coverage switched -- and I was crystal clear with them that I have health issues that need addressing and couldn't abide any gaps in coverage. Ah, well, have had my first visit with primary AND an appointment already for next week with cardiologist. No long delays there, unlike California.

  3. Glad the insurance was finally fixed. Finding new doctors is difficult enough and it's made even worse when there are unreasonable problems with insurance.

    1. indeed. My new primary doc is young, delightful, smart and engaged. I think we will work well together.

  4. First I have to say that your black and white photographs always hold my attention and that I look forward to seeing more of life in Colorado through your eyes.

    Love the Christmas MIRACLE!

    1. Thank you. I haven't been out photographing much yet, but I do want to.

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A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...