Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Longest Journey Begins


Surgery went well and I've been home a week now.   Lots of protein drinks, water, flavored broths, sugar free popsicles and jello.  Some days I feel moderately energetic, most days not.  I'll get there. No hunger at all, which is the major benefit at the moment.

I'm having dreams of riding bikes with friends, over the hills near San Francisco, looking out to the Golden Gate bridge on a windy day and laughing loudly into that wind.  Thinking, "I never thought I'd feel this way again."  Grand exuberance.

So many years ago I was very active with back packing, biking, hiking.  No need for a gymnasium then.  It was all youthful energy and swagger, pounding my chest as the first of the group to make it to a mountain top.  

Age and health have had their way with that. That's just the way of life, and I'm glad I did those things that bring me joy when I remember them.

My goal, my dream, is that this surgery will help bring back all available energy and enthusiasm for getting out and doing whatever I can.  It won't be the body of my teens and twenties for sure, and I'm okay with that.  I have reasonable expectations.  They are a lot more than what I have now.


  1. I love that you are healing well and have these dreams. Yes, wonderful walks there in Colorado will be a wonderful way to celebrate this new life. I'm looking forward to your new energy and enthusiasm as your healing continues. Stay well!

    1. Thanks Robin, I have more energy every day. I love that I am feeling hopeful after so very long.

  2. So good to know the surgery went well and you are anticipating enjoying an active life! Love the photo from all those years ago.

  3. So glad to hear that the surgery went well and you're facing the future with renewed optimism. It's a long while since I've seen one of those backpacks with a separate frame - and a similar time since I used to race up to the top of the mountains too!

    1. John, I gave away that backpack only three years ago. The dream of going on another trip died hard. Thanks for your good wishes.

  4. Hi Tara! I left a message but it must have gotten lost. So good to know the surgery was successful and that you have dreams for the future

    1. Thank you my friend. Things are looking up for sure.

  5. I wish you everything you dream of doing as you heal, and as you take this journey to restoration.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...